Still waters, swims in the deep blue waters, fish and frogs, snakes in water, dances on the waves. You just gotta be worth it๐น#TrueLove is hard to find, hard to keep and hard to forget.The art of conversation is listening. #Expertise. Rotten Tomatoes: Lovers, Haters, Suckers For Free Rides, Heads To Count.Sweet Passion Joe, Charlie, Mike or Moe... I Bought A Friend Off Craigslist -7608512267.
The students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High still feel like it was yesterday when a gunman took the lives of 17 students on February 14th 2018 in Parkland, Florida. The school held a moment of silence and a half-day to commemorate one-year since the…I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.
Still waters, swims in the deep blue waters, fish and frogs, snakes in water, dances on the waves. You just gotta be worth it๐น#TrueLove is hard to find, hard to keep and hard to forget.The art of conversation is listening. #Expertise
Lucky breaks, walks in the park, sunny and bright, heads above the common. Strength is an attitude, a discipline, determination & drive."I just added this site to my rss reader, excellent stuff. You just gotta be worth it๐น#TrueLove is hard to find, hard to keep and hard to forget.The art of conversation is listening. #Expertise.
Still waters, swims in the deep blue waters, fish and frogs, snakes in water, dances on the waves. You just gotta be worth it๐น#TrueLove is hard to find, hard to keep and hard to forget.The art of conversation is listening. #Expertise
Steven Jarrot, 7608512267-sucker for free rides, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different, notes....Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees. Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.
I miss you crazy woman John Yunder,Yikes, Yo Yo, back in time, dicks, dawgs, donkeys, boys to men, jokes and laughs, 55 yearrs old, back at home, with his mom, and how many kids. Stuck on slow, stuck on simple, stuck on stupid, remember a dick less frog, in the sea of more frogs. Coins to pay, houses sold, not time to stop, running back to mom. .Heads up, cheers, and many more, over the rainbows, birds and bees, songs in the dogwood trees, eyes of the tiger, year of the dog, who let the dogs out. Titaness Rises - ๐น๐๐๐ People beware: The Basic Bitch Life.""No one sees his own hunchback."" ~ Yiddish Proverb".You just gotta be worth it๐น#TrueLove is hard to find, hard to keep and hard to forget.The art of conversation is listening. #Expertise.
Still waters, swims in the deep blue waters, fish and frogs, snakes in water, dances on the waves. You just gotta be worth it๐น#TrueLove is hard to find, hard to keep and hard to forget.The art of conversation is listening. #Expertise
Friends and lovers, haters and snakes, food for fun, tricks and trades, happy dazes again, glory dazes done. Color of dreams, color of new worlds, blue oceans to create, life in the pots of goals. Happy to share the play on word, strings to play, horns to blow, goats and sheep, love and hate horns on a goat. Days in the heavens, dazes in hell, trips to the stars, have to let go, angels to dance to the knights, blues to float with hope, purple lights, in line to greatness, dreams of mine...
If you only see beauty in physical form, you will miss a lot of things. Lyons Dick Wonders: Queen of everything, queen in white, queen in red, queen on board, the bitch is black. Black stars, black lights, joys and pains, bumps in the road, lessons learned along the way.
Time on sands of time, prefer the beach lovers on the water, closer than I am..Seeking A Spark of Intelligence, Stability and Humor .... The Great American Eclipse ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐Moons To Shine, Kings, Sunny And Bright,Lions On Top, Roars Across The Lands.Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, Find Out What Home Fits You.Golden Cattle: Sire Licks? Undead and Unstable Still: Hopes, Wishes, Prayers up in the air, thanks to heavens, stars above, angels in hosts, like stars at night.
Zoo to visit, part of the time, to see the family, pages of lovers, pages of haters, times to stories. The World in this position may be giving you permission to do whatever you want. Happy dazes again, joys and pains, lessons learned, frogs and fish in the water, notes of bugs and snakes.
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