Thursday, October 12, 2023

'"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.

 Alright! So here is the skinny! Dances In The Streets, Lovers, Haters, Sheep And Goats, Monkeys In Packs To Dodge. YOUR SESSION HAS TIMED OUT. Will the Midterms Change Anything? Money for the crooks, cash for the assholes, nothing for free, fees charged, financial forms, collecting the Ucc codes, any order will do. Terminations, transfers, tricks of the trade, rats to roaches, trying to make a buck or two.

Lady of the Lake (of Lothlorien) - I'm trying to blend more fantasy and Lord of the Rings inspiration into my Waterhouse inspired Lady of the Lake pieces.Terms to sell, take a solar lease termination, and attempt to have seller, sign a midterm, with a solar company. Will they sell. Not for a $30,000 fee. Toxic people" don't exist anymore than evil people or saints.Breaking News, name changed to Sunrun, at home depot, and Costco, empire of crooks, bucks to be made.

THEM -did u get stuck?ME- no i’m delivering a fucking bridge .Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Was this a childhood favorite of yours? If so, you don't have to miss it this year.

12 minutes ago!! We announce the legendary Mike Tyson who has now has been confirm as... See more
May be an image of 2 people, beard and hospital
Temecula Valley HOME TEAM. Bonus, for real estate agency, escrow, and the jackasses on base. Sellers said, my ball, my house, terms unacceptable, will not play. House not for sale.. Desert Rats: I like fairy tales. HAHAHAHAHAHA.Opposite Standards,Let The Music Play, Dances On Time. MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY ..THANX FOR THE INVITATION HUN.
I am reaching out to this list of attorneys, they have all had cases against solar panel companies. Today we will be practically comparing the cost of owning a Solar Power System to Generator...Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances. White people allergic to saying “excuse me” in the grocery store?Janet Jackson Tweeted: West Coast, you’re up…

 How do you like to spend a lazy day?Depends, what time of the month it is. In my sixth decade, writing and working in my garden is what I do.

Lia Thomas is mixed up. No Dude can convert to a lady .. impossible. This joker was born male, and a birth certificate is non negotiable. He’s a phony .Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Lia Thomas is a Confused Dude. He is Male Forever (Concord)

And Wars Won: Life Is A Beach, A Mountain, A Song To Sing: In the end we are all alone, moments lost over time, dances on the sands of time. Alright! So here is the skinny! Dances In The Streets, Lovers, Haters, Sheep And Goats, Monkeys In Packs To Dodge. YOUR SESSION HAS TIMED OUT. Will the Midterms Change Anything? Money for the crooks, cash for the assholes, nothing for free, fees charged, financial forms, collecting the Ucc codes, any order will do. Terminations, transfers, tricks of the trade, rats to roaches, trying to make a buck or two.

Jordan Starr: Blue Ocean, Lakes, Oceans Dreams: Real Estate Dances: Treats.Lady of the Lake (of Lothlorien) - I'm trying to blend more fantasy and Lord of the Rings inspiration into my Waterhouse inspired Lady of the Lake pieces.Terms to sell, take a solar lease termination, and attempt to have seller, sign a midterm, with a solar company. Will they sell. Not for a $30,000 fee. Toxic people" don't exist anymore than evil people or saints.Breaking News, name changed to Sunrun, at home depot, and Costco, empire of crooks, bucks to be made.

THEM -did u get stuck?ME- no i’m delivering a fucking bridge .Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Was this a childhood favorite of yours? If so, you don't have to miss it this year.

Castles in the sky, heaven is home, views,voices in my head.Weird.Year in Review :Keep you head up, lessons to learn, hopes to hang on: pain ends, words to define, good luck.Boats to float,waves to make,dances on the water, earth angel, olde soul, wings to winds.
All reactions:


Dances In The Streets, Lovers, Haters, Sheep And Goats, Monkeys In Packs To Dodge. YOUR SESSION HAS TIMED OUT. Will the Midterms Change Anything? Money for the crooks, cash for the assholes, nothing for free, fees charged, financial forms, collecting the Ucc codes, any order will do. Terminations, transfers, tricks of the trade, rats to roaches, trying to make a buck or two.

Winners, Sinners, Saints, Dances On Clouds.The Fairy and the Frogs: Men Or Mice:Happy 4th of July... Under The Surface.Hello, Giggles.Cheers and chaps, American Tales, chicks and babes, in the layers of lights.
Desert Rats: I like fairy tales. HAHAHAHAHAHA.Opposite Standards,Let The Music Play, Dances On Time. MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY ..THANX FOR THE INVITATION HUN.

Take Sprucse Power, all about collecting fees, to trade a termination for a transfer, right, talk about their less-than-stellar service? Take the reviews, all about wasting time, delays, and double billing, to take a termination, trade for a transfer, and the rest of their tricks, to steal your cash, for selling a house.

'"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.

Lady of the Lake (of Lothlorien) - I'm trying to blend more fantasy and Lord of the Rings inspiration into my Waterhouse inspired Lady of the Lake pieces.Terms to sell, take a solar lease termination, and attempt to have seller, sign a midterm, with a solar company. Will they sell. Not for a $30,000 fee. Toxic people" don't exist anymore than evil people or saints.Breaking News, name changed to Sunrun, at home depot, and Costco, empire of crooks, bucks to be made.

THEM -did u get stuck?ME- no i’m delivering a fucking bridge .Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Was this a childhood favorite of yours? If so, you don't have to miss it this year.


THEM -did u get stuck?ME- no i’m delivering a fucking bridge .Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Was this a childhood favorite of yours? If so, you don't have to miss it this year.

Lady of the Lake (of Lothlorien) - I'm trying to blend more fantasy and Lord of the Rings inspiration into my Waterhouse inspired Lady of the Lake pieces.Terms to sell, take a solar lease termination, and attempt to have seller, sign a midterm, with a solar company. Will they sell. Not for a $30,000 fee. Toxic people" don't exist anymore than evil people or saints.Breaking News, name changed to Sunrun, at home depot, and Costco, empire of crooks, bucks to be made.

Take Sprucse Power, all about collecting fees, to trade a termination for a transfer, right, talk about their less-than-stellar service? Take the reviews, all about wasting time, delays, and double billing, to take a termination, trade for a transfer, and the rest of their tricks, to steal your cash, for selling a house.

Fantasy Faity Photo.Lady of the Lake (of Lothlorien) - I'm trying to blend more fantasy and Lord of the Rings inspiration into my Waterhouse inspired Lady of the Lake pieces.Terms to sell, take a solar lease termination, and attempt to have seller, sign a midterm, with a solar company. Will they sell. Not for a $30,000 fee. Toxic people" don't exist anymore than evil people or saints.Breaking News, name changed to Sunrun, at home depot, and Costco, empire of crooks, bucks to be made.

THEM -did u get stuck?ME- no i’m delivering a fucking bridge .Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Was this a childhood favorite of yours? If so, you don't have to miss it this year.

May be an image of 1 person
All reactions:

Dreams and nightmares, time to wake up. Back to the present.Later, Dick, Joe, or Harry, dicks and labels to toss in the winds.Snakes In Grass, Dicks Out Of Box, Fags And Hag Tales: Cops And Liars, Stories Of Fears.

Squint a bit harder at this one just to be safe. Actually just close your eyes at this point.You guys like poems? Here's one: Steven Jay Jarrot, QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face.Me when the edible hits Sometimes i'll start a sentence and don't even know where it's going. just hope find it along the way.'But using that same 15/16 wrench in a really tight location today made me think that maybe another story is possible.

Dances In The Streets, Lovers, Haters, Sheep And Goats, Monkeys In Packs To Dodge. YOUR SESSION HAS TIMED OUT. Will the Midterms Change Anything? Money for the crooks, cash for the assholes, nothing for free, fees charged, financial forms, collecting the Ucc codes, any order will do. Terminations, transfers, tricks of the trade, rats to roaches, trying to make a buck or two.

'"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.

May be an image of text


Nobody goes through more pain in life than a person with a good heart; because good hearted people are highly sensitive. High sensitivity makes you feel everything on a deeper level. But feeling deeply is not something to be ashamed of. Keep being the wonderful person that you are. In the end, a good heart will always win because light will always overshadow darkness. 

'"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.

All reactions:

'I give these out for free all year long VIRGINLA IG: davie dave METRO Celebrattons CHRISTMAS BAG OF THREATS 250.00'.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .FAIRY TALES,BEACH BUM ON A PATH TO SELF DISCOVERY: Sandpiper, whatever” I mean fuck you.

Cheers and chaps, jobs to work, hats worn, over the decades, my and what I have done with my life. A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart…- Maya Angelou.From: Jose Duran ,619-949-9635 text me.Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, How To Make A Buck. Spruce Power , Sue Me States.

 Cheers and chaps, jobs to work, hats worn, over the decades, my and what I have done with my life. A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart…- Maya Angelou.From: Jose Duran ,619-949-9635 text me.Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, How To Make A Buck. Spruce Power , Sue Me States.
Dances In The Streets, Lovers, Haters, Sheep And Goats, Monkeys In Packs To Dodge. YOUR SESSION HAS TIMED OUT. Will the Midterms Change Anything? Money for the crooks, cash for the assholes, nothing for free, fees charged, financial forms, collecting the Ucc codes, any order will do. Terminations, transfers, tricks of the trade, rats to roaches, trying to make a buck or two.

MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY . Paths chosen for the good intentions, with a stone heart, brains exchanged for tickets to ride free planes and trains, frogs for a love of sex and drugs, oral talents on the line.
Over the decades, hats worn. CHRISTMAS 365 DAYS A Year. Cheers and chaps, jobs to work, hats worn, over the decades, my and what I have done with my life. A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart…- Maya Angelou.From: Jose Duran ,619-949-9635 text me.Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, How To Make A Buck. Spruce Power , Sue Me States.
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What can be brighter than the stars.BREAKING THE SILENCE :UNDERSTAND NORMAL THINKING!Blue Oceans To Create, What You Know, What You Want.

   What a great day to be alive still, jumps for joys and pains of the good life, happy with the rewards, happy with the pies in the sky and...