Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments. Frogs with class, frogs with wits, frogs and fish in the seas, frogs with lots of movies, under his feet. Lots of lessons to learn, from a frog like Kermit, movies with love for a pig, lots of laugh. Lots of luck for a frog, pages and movies online, hits and misses, dates with frogs. Gifts and treats, snakes in the grass, lots of luck to stay alive, frogs in the trees, frogs in the woods. Love and luck, coins to flip, lucky for life, hard to say, bumps in the roads, lots of dogs out. Life and love, birds and bees, frogs and snakes in the dogwood trees. Circles of life, circles
Notes of veterans, tips from Black Women, third party views, hats and horns, coins to toss, cards to flip, hell hounds to date. Ways to grow... |
Life Is A Beach Blog Captions for the kings that rule, leaders in their field, cash rewards stored, mature, witty a wise, hair long to blew whips in the wind, men in white hats. Giants on land, giants on the seas, yachts, boats and houses next to the sea, dream life for me. The best time of my life is yet to come, with the horses racing for the life to start at the water, common grounds to plant seeds, good times to share daily adventures to start. Gifts to share and stories to grow over time, roads to greatness to choose, hopes, dreams and prayers in place, set to go. Happy and delighted still for the time and space to dream more.
Class Whales: Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate horns of a goat. Tales to share, lessons in classes on the beach. Grass growing. Happy and blue flipping coins. Thanks for kids, tips on trips to hell, kindness and mercy shared. Lights on part of the time is dandy and fine. Party and play, coin a few words, rats playing card games, big names, winners and losers, lucky in cards, lucky in love, sometimes both. Time down at the tables, money to throw away, good days at the tables. To win, to lose, to have a good time, good sport with the outcomes,
Time running away with me, Fridays, happy and delight for another one, time to share, moments by moments, the love and the luck, the running to races, rats to run. Good times, good moves made, hits and misses, dances in … Continue reading →
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