Friday, February 22, 2019

Intimacy isn't just physical, it's mental, emotional, and spiritual. Notes that are normal, notes that are average, not to be found here.

Basket cases, retards, snakes in grass, ways to go, have to learn, how to give back. Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.Waste Of Cum, Wasted Time, Sheep. Hello Friends ....Barbie is such a bitch. She has EVERYTHING! to ships to houses to clothes! Thanks so much for the cash to get out of the gate, and help to keep on track the things that need to be done with Ella Doce Cases De Mayo De California, and the goods and services to be provided for self, family, and homeless veterans in the state of California. Intimacy isn't just physical, it's mental, emotional, and spiritual. Notes that are normal, notes that are average, not to be found here.
Animated Photo

Soul II Soul - Dare to Differ. You have to make yourself a priority. . Dicks, dawgs, donkeys, dung, shit and fecal matter, snakes in the grass. Intimacy isn't just physical, it's mental, emotional, and spiritual. Notes that are normal, notes that are average, not to be found here. Weird, crazy, twisted, heated, and anger, some of the rocks under the waves, cheers and laugh, good time, tales of love and hate. Coins to flip, cards on the table, back in time and space. Love and hate, one or both, snakes and frogs, to leave alone, games to be play, hands to shake, time to hell and back. Basket cases, retards, snakes in grass, ways to go, have to learn, how to give back.
Homes and houses, blue star steel, houses and homes, gifts to share, wars and battles for the veterans, homes with bed bugs. Pages of lovers, pagers of knights, wars and battles , suns to shines. Stars and rivers, lakes and seven seas, ships of dreams to sails. Still waters, swims in the deep blue waters, fish and frogs, snakes in water, dances on the waves. I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. - Steve Prefontaine. Gifts in words, stories to share, Marines at battles, Marines at wars.  Intimacy isn't just physical, it's mental, emotional, and spiritual. Notes that are normal, notes that are average, not to be found here.

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What can be brighter than the stars.BREAKING THE SILENCE :UNDERSTAND NORMAL THINKING!Blue Oceans To Create, What You Know, What You Want.

   What a great day to be alive still, jumps for joys and pains of the good life, happy with the rewards, happy with the pies in the sky and...